Wednesday, April 04, 2007

J.I. Packer on The Bible's Dominant Conviction

"The Bible’s dominant conviction about God, a conviction proclaimed from Genesis to Revelation, is that behind and beneath all the apparent confusion of this world lies his plan. That plan concerns the perfecting of a people and the restoring of a world through the mediating action of Christ. God governs human affairs with this end in view. His plan cannot be thwarted by human sin, because God made a way for human sin itself to be part of the plan. The cross of Christ is the supreme illustration of this principle. At Calvary God overruled human sin, which he foresaw, as a means of salvation of the world. Thus it appears that human lawlessness does not thwart God’s plan for his people’s redemption. Rather, through the wisdom of omnipotence, it has become the means of fulfilling that plan."

J.I. Packer – Hot Tub Religion

1 comment:

Lew said...

the sad truth is that so many Christians lose sight of this truth and want to be the sovereign one. i sometimes wonder how much radically different american Christianity would look if God-centered theology was presented instead of the gospel of self that is so widely proclaimed.