Sunday, July 22, 2007

Matthew Henry on justification

“He (Jesus) rose again for our justification; and that
divine powerby which he was raised is able to do every
thing for us that we stand in need of.” Matthew Henry.

Hodge on power of God

“When we are really weak in ourselves and are conscious of that weakness, we are in the state suited to the manifestation of God’s power. When we are emptied of ourselves, we are filled with God. Those who think they can change their own hearts, atone for their own sins, subdue the power of evil in their own souls or in the souls of others, who feel able to sustain themselves under affliction, God leaves to their own resources. But when they feel and acknowledge their weakness, he imparts divine strength to them.” Charles Hodge

Spurgeon on God's provision

“Jehovah who created all things is equal to every emergency; heaven and earth are at the disposal of Him who made them, therefore let be very joyful in our infinite helper.”

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jerry Bridges on worship

"The glory of God is the sum of all His infinite excellence and praiseworthiness set forth in display. To glorify God is first of all to respond properly to this display by ascribing to Him the honour and adoration due Him because of His excellence. We call this worship" Jerry Bridges

Thomas Watson on Heaven

"The soul is never satisfied till it has God for its portion, and heaven for its haven" Thomas Watson

Michael Horton on the cross

"He suffered as God because only God had the power to save; He suffered as Man because only man owed the debt" Michael Horton

John Calvin on contentment

"the happiness promised us in Christ does not consist in outward advantages--such as leading a joyous and peaceful life, having rich possessions, being safe from all harm, and abounding with delights such as the flesh commonly longs after. No, our happiness belongs to the heavenly life!" John Calvin

Matthew Henry on the wisdom of God

"He went out, not knowing whither he went. He put himself into the hand of God, to send him whithersoever he pleased. He subscribed to God’s wisdom, as fittest to direct; and submitted to his will, as fittest to determine every thing that concerned him. Implicit faith and obedience are due to God, and to him only. All that are effectually called resign up their own will and wisdom to the will and wisdom of God, and it is their wisdom to do so; though they know not always their way, yet they know their guide, and this satisfies them." Matthew Henry